Photodynamic Therapy

How does PDT work?

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a clinically accepted cancer treatment that requires the interaction of light, molecular oxygen, and a photosensitizer to achieve destruction of tumor tissue. Photosensitizers exposed to the right wavelength of light, undergo activation and energy transfer to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) that initiate immediate cancer cell death.

Illumacell uses an off-patent prodrug, 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA), which is a natural precursor to the photosensitive molecule protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). By using 5_ALA, we leverage the body’s natural ability to generate its own photosensitizer! Our light devices deliver therapeutic energy non-invasively to PpIX using the red wavelength of the visible spectrum. The devices exploit a "Wall-of-Light™" delivery to promote deep tissue penetration without creating excessive heat. This external irradiation spares surgical intervention for many deep tumors.

PDT can easily be performed in a doctor's office or clinic and be repeated without concern for the development of resistance. Benefits of Illumacell’s cancer treatment protocol includes the ability to selectively treat only cancerous tissue or tumors due to preferential accumulation of the photosensitizer in these damaged tissues. 

This treatment also has the additional benefits of specifically damaging tumor vasculature to inhibit further tumor growth stimulating specific anti-tumor immune responses in the long term. When compared to traditional radiation and chemotherapy protocols, Illumacell PDT is a natural and non-invasive treatment with minimal cumulative toxicity.

Illumacell treatment 1

Illumacell uses an off-patent prodrug, 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA), a natural biosynthetic precursor to heme, to stimulate the body to generate the photosensitive molecule, protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). The Illumacell light devices deliver light energy externally from the red part of the visible spectrum to PpIX and using their "Wall-of-Light™" protocol promotes deep tissue penetration without creating excessive heat on the body. This breakthrough procedure spares surgical intervention for deep tumors.

Illumacell treatment 1

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) treatment may be performed in a doctor's office or clinic and can be repeated without concern for the development of resistance. Benefits of this cancer treatment protocol includes the ability to selectively treat only cancerous tissue or tumors due to preferential accumulation of the photosensitizer in these damaged tissues.

Illumacell treatment 3

This treatment also has the additional benefits of specifically damaging tumor vasculature to inhibit further tumor growth, stimulating specific immunological responses in the long term and when compared to traditional radiation/chemotherapy protocols, it is relatively non-invasive with minimal cumulative toxicity.

Download the Illumacell PDT illustration
light therapy

“The Illumacell photodynamic treatment of mice with a subcutaneous malignant breast cancer resulted in a dramatic reduction in the size or outright elimination of the tumor. On histological analysis a remarkable inflammatory response coincided with the reduction or elimination of the tumor. The data from the pathological analysis indicate that the Illumacell treatment is responsible for the mounting of a remarkable and effective inflammatory response of the animal body that can result in complete elimination of the malignant tumor.”

Jacek M. Kwiecien DVM, MSc, PhD.
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine Veterinary Research Pathologist & Clinical Veterinarian McMaster University